
20 Cool Things That Happen to You and Your Baby During Pregnancy (SAMPLE)

Pregnancy is the most mundane yet magical experience in the world. We tend to take for
granted the absolutely jaw-dropping, miraculous weirdness that is the creation of a new
human being because it happens to people all the time. Let’s take a moment to appreciate
the process.

You miss your period. You take a pregnancy test. Fast forward 9-ish months and, wow, you
have a baby. Do you know how many cool things had to occur for this to happen?
Hundreds, if not thousands, of fascinating hormonal, emotional, and mechanical changes
take place. Let’s look at 20 of them.

First Trimester
The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are when the most complex changes occur for mom and
baby. You may not see too many differences on the outside, but a whirlwind of activity is
taking place on the inside.

#1. The second the ball of cells (blastocyst) that will become your baby implants in your
uterine lining, chemical changes take place. Enzymes are secreted and signals are sent to
your body to create a safe, cozy, blood filled nest for the developing embryo. One hormone
secreted by the blastocyst is called human chorionic gonadotropin (HcG) and this hormone
tells your ovaries to take a rest and stop releasing eggs. HcG might be at least partially
responsible for morning sickness, and it’s also the hormone that pregnancy tests measure.
Some cells from the blastocyst change and form the placenta. This temporary organ makes
it possible for your baby to receive nutrients and oxygen during development, and it also
increases hormones (mainly estrogen and progesterone) that trigger changes in your body
to make it ready for pregnancy and childbirth.

#2. Estrogen and a hormone called prolactin start early to prepare your breasts for nursing.
They stimulate the growth of new milk ducts, which is why large, sore breasts and nipples
are often one of the first signs of pregnancy.

#3. The flood of estrogen and progesterone you experience in the early days of pregnancy
can do a number on your emotional state. It is common for women to feel tired, experience
mood swings, and feel more emotionally sensitive than usual. The mood swings may not be
enjoyable, but knowing that the cocktail of hormones coursing through your body is
supporting your baby’s growth is pretty cool.

#4. You may not know that your blood volume will increase by almost 50% throughout your
pregnancy, but it does. About 6% of this growth occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy.
This helps your body supply enough oxygen to you and your baby throughout your

Don’t be surprised if early in your pregnancy you notice veins on your chest and breasts
that you’ve never seen before. They’re temporarily more visible because of the extra blood
in your body and will go back to normal after birth.

Be gentle when flossing and brushing your teeth while you’re pregnant. All that blood can
make your gums swollen, and they might bleed easier than usual.

#5. Your baby is doing most of the heavy lifting during the first trimester. The foundation for
everything he or she will eventually become is being laid. Nervous system, eyes, ears,
reproductive system, brain, fingers, toes, face, and even fingernails are all developing. This
is arguably the most mind-blowing and incredible process that takes place during

Meanwhile, your body is doing everything it can to ensure that the baby’s work goes
smoothly and has the best chance for success. No wonder you’re tired.